A Little Food For Thought - From A Local Service Provider

When you’re asking for service-related recommendations for a plumber, landscaper, hairdresser, make-up artist, electrician, roofer, designer or even a photographer consider this. Don't frame the question by asking for a “reasonably priced” or “someone that doesn't cost an arm and a leg”. Though these comments sound cute or funny they are actually not very helpful to the business wanting to respond to your question. You might be asking yourself why?
Well, please let me explain.
1. I can’t pay my mortgage with limbs, so I’ve never accepted them as payment.
2. By asking for someone who is “reasonably priced”, you actually mean “within my budget” so just go ahead and say what your budget is instead. Someone’s rate isn’t necessarily "unreasonable" just because you aren’t willing or able to pay it.
3. Please always try and consider the ability, professionalism, and experience of vendors whose costs are higher. Is that person insured if something goes wrong? Do they have the proper documentation and training to be offering their services? Do they have a good amount of experience and the proper tools to do the job? Someone who is the BEST at something will have a higher fee than someone just starting out. That doesn’t mean you have to use their services if it’s outside of your budget. However, that also doesn’t mean they are “unreasonably priced”.
4. Fun fact, Tiffany sells $1500.00 individual silver paper clips. Someone out there must own some because they have been on the market for years and I've even seen an "out of stock" sign on the ad more than once. Everyone has a different budget in mind, even for paper clips.
Small business owners like me have built their business from nothing into something. We give it our all with hard work, blood, sweat and tears. You can't be apologetic about knowing your worth. No one should be apologetic about that.
To go with that here are some family photos from a fellow service provider. Shooting family photos with 7 people might not be the easiest thing I've ever done.