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Are you looking for a Wedding Photographer
who is there to capture all of the 
unscripted moments of intimacy & romance?
 I capture the raw, emotion-filled shots 
that represent how truly special and unique your love is.
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Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
Join us for a complimentary over-the-phone consultation. During this call we will provide you with the following:
“Questions You Should Ask”  
A template to use before picking your photographer. Find out what you should be asking to make sure you have hired the perfect person to capture your fairytale story.​​​​​​​
Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
"A Custom Made Quote" 
You don't need to pick between 6, 8, 10 or 12-hour packages. Let's find out exactly what you need and that's what your quote will reflect. Why should you pay for unused hours or miss out on having special moments not photographed?

Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
"A Wedding Day Timeline"
Start planning your wedding day with ease after you see our detailed timeline. You will be able to start booking vendors and planning the reception without the stress!​​​​​​​
Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
"Free Engagement Session"
Now the best part is we give our wedding gift to you extra early! All wedding clients will receive a no-charge engagement session before their wedding date. An engagement session really makes the whole thing come to life!
So what's next? Wanna know how to book this complimentary consultation?
It's super easy! Click below and send us a message!
Edmonton Wedding Photography
Edmonton Wedding Photography
Edmonton Wedding Photography
Edmonton Wedding Photographer
Edmonton Wedding Photographer
Edmonton Wedding Photographer
Edmonton Wedding Photographer
Bride and groom at Alberta Government House
Bride and groom at Alberta Government House
Edmontons best wedding photography team
Edmontons best wedding photography team
Bride and groom at Alberta Government House
Bride and groom at Alberta Government House
Bride and groom at Alberta Government House
Bride and groom at Alberta Government House
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Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
Ceremony at the  Edmonton Railway Society
Ceremony at the  Edmonton Railway Society
groom popping champagne bottle
bride walking away looking over her shoulder
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bride laughing in Edmonton
Happy bride with flowers in Edmonton
bride and groom drinking champagne
Ceremony at the Edmonton Railway Society
Bride walking with groom
bride hugging groom
Bride and groom standing on a bridge
groom kissing his bride
bride and groom standing
couple standing by water kissing
bride and groom with reflection in the water
Bride and groom walking
Couple cuddling
Edmonton wedding photography
Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
Best Wedding Photographer in edmonton
Wedding Photographer Near You
Wedding Photographer Near You
Wedding Photographer Near You
Wedding Photographer Near You
Wedding Photographer Near You
Wedding Photographer Near You
Edmonton best wedding photographer
Edmonton best wedding photographer
bride looking back at photographer
laughing bride and groom
couple kissing under an umbrella
groom holding an umbrella in the rain
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bride and groom holding hands
brides jewellery
bride getting ready
Wedding couple laughing and walking
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couple laughing
couple laughing
bride laughing edmonton
bride and groom in the fall Edmonton
Bridal party in the fall of Edmonton
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Groom tying is show in Edmonton
Groom getting ready in Edmonton
Groom helping son get ready in edmonton
Bride getting ready in Edmonton
Bridal party in the fall of Edmonton
Couple in the fall of Edmonton
Couple in the fall of Edmonton
Couple in the fall of Edmonton
Couple in the fall by a tractor of Edmonton
Bridal party on a tractor in the fall of Edmonton
Bridesmaids n the fall of Edmonton
bridesmaids in the fall of Edmonton
bridal party in the fall of Edmonton
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Canmore best wedding photographer
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Canmore best wedding photographer
Edmonton's best wedding photographer
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groom kissing his bride
Bride smiling at groom
Bride and groom about to kiss
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Bride and groom at ice castles in Edmonton
Bridal party holding flowers in Edmonton
Bridal party holding flowers in Edmonton
Bride and groom in the winter at the government house  in Edmonton
Bride and groom in the winter with sparklers  in Edmonton
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Bride and groom in the winter  in Edmonton
Bride and groom in the winter at walterdale bridge in Edmonton
Bride and groom in the winter  in Edmonton
Bride and groom in the winter  in Edmonton
love letters
Country wedding with cowboys in Edmonton
Country wedding with cowboys in Edmonton
Country wedding with cowboys in Edmonton
Country wedding with cowboys in Edmonton
Country wedding with cowboys in Edmonton
Country wedding with cowboys in Edmonton
Country wedding with cowboys in Edmonton
bride and groom at walterdale bridge in Edmonton
bride and groom at walterdale bridge in Edmonton
bride and groom at walterdale bridge in Edmonton
bride and groom summer in Edmonton
bride and groom summer in Edmonton
Couple in flower field Edmonton
Couple in flower field Edmonton
Couple in summer on swings Edmonton
Couple in summer Edmonton
in love
happy couple
flower girl
bride and groom
grooms men
baby playing
bride and groom laughing
bridal party
family wedding
Bride and groom in spring Edmonton
Bride and groom in spring Edmonton
Bridal party walking in summer
Wedding rings on hands
Bride and groom in the winter  in Edmonton
Bride and groom in the winter  in Edmonton
Bride and groom in the winter  in Edmonton
Bride and groom in the winter  in Edmonton
bride looking out the window
groom crying
Bride and groom in the winter  in Edmonton
Bride and groom in the winter  in Edmonton
Bride and groom in the winter  in Edmonton
Bride and groom in the winter  in Edmonton
wedding ring
Wedding rings
bride and groom at the Alberta Legislator
Bride and groom summertime in Edmonton Alberta
Bride and groom summertime in Edmonton Alberta
bride smiling at groom
bride and groom
groom dipping his bride
bride kissing groom
bride leaning on a tree
bride getting her make up done
Bride and groom sitting by a tree in Edmonton Alberta
Bride and groom sitting by a tree in Edmonton Alberta
Bride and groom sitting by a tree in Edmonton Alberta
Bride sitting by a tree in Edmonton Alberta
Bride and groom kissing in the street in Edmonton
groomsmen at the tavern on whyte in Edmonton
bridal party at the Edmonton Ledge grounds
rings on a cigar
Bride and daughter looking at wedding dress in Edmonton
Most wedding package comes with a FREE engagement session!
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