Should I elope?
Will I regret it?

Should I elope? Will I regret it?
The number one question all of the couples I speak to have asked themselves since covid 19 is "Should we elope?". This is not an easy question to answer. What's right for you may t be right for others. I think there is definitely a few questions you should ask yourself before you decide.
Number one, ask yourself "Do I want to postpone until I can have a larger guest list?" Personally, I know for myself after 7 years with my now-husband we were not willing to wait any longer. So ultimately having more guests did not outweigh our desire to tie the knot in 2021.
So that brings us to our second question "Is there a reason why I can't wait?" We also wanted March 1st as our date as that is my grandparent's anniversary and I wanted to share it with them. So waiting meant waiting another entire year at least. Yikes!
Ultimately you need to ask yourself "What is more important, the wedding party or being married?" There is no right or wrong answer here!! If the party with your friends and family means the world to you then hello 2022 or even 2023 wedding! Don't settle! However, if being married to the love of your life is what means the most then it's easy enough to figure out away. You can include family and friends on zoom during the ceremony and throw a party later on when things are safe to do so.
THIS IS HARD! Since Covid 19, we brides are navigating unknown waters. We are having to pick between things we shouldn't have to. We literally can not have our cake and eat it at our OWN wedding and man that just sucks!
If you're planning a wedding send me a message and let's chat! My consultations are free and I'll help you figure out some of these tough choices.
The number one question all of the couples I speak to have asked themselves since covid 19 is "Should we elope?". This is not an easy question to answer. What's right for you may t be right for others. I think there is definitely a few questions you should ask yourself before you decide.
Number one, ask yourself "Do I want to postpone until I can have a larger guest list?" Personally, I know for myself after 7 years with my now-husband we were not willing to wait any longer. So ultimately having more guests did not outweigh our desire to tie the knot in 2021.
So that brings us to our second question "Is there a reason why I can't wait?" We also wanted March 1st as our date as that is my grandparent's anniversary and I wanted to share it with them. So waiting meant waiting another entire year at least. Yikes!
Ultimately you need to ask yourself "What is more important, the wedding party or being married?" There is no right or wrong answer here!! If the party with your friends and family means the world to you then hello 2022 or even 2023 wedding! Don't settle! However, if being married to the love of your life is what means the most then it's easy enough to figure out away. You can include family and friends on zoom during the ceremony and throw a party later on when things are safe to do so.
THIS IS HARD! Since Covid 19, we brides are navigating unknown waters. We are having to pick between things we shouldn't have to. We literally can not have our cake and eat it at our OWN wedding and man that just sucks!
If you're planning a wedding send me a message and let's chat! My consultations are free and I'll help you figure out some of these tough choices.